Every person starts their day differently. Some people get the morning paper and a cup of freshly brewed coffee; others are rushing out the door with a half-eaten bagel in their hands. However, with every breakfast tradition comes something that everyone can agree on — a good breakfast sandwich can change your day. 

However, when you go to your favorite breakfast restaurant for a mix of the dining experience and your favorite version of an egg and cheese bagel, you may wonder how such a delicious breakfast option came to be. Then you think about how it’s grown over the years to become the deli and diner staple that it has become. 

A Brief History of the Bagel Sandwich 

With origins tracing back to England in the 1800s, factories tried to give their workforce a quick, easy, and delicious breakfast option that they could hold in their hands and get back to work more quickly. Street vendors began selling the BAP sandwich — consisting of egg and meat on a soft bread roll — to get their day started on the right foot. As the industrial revolution came overseas to the United States, so did the BAP. 

Over time, the BAP sandwich evolved into what we know today as the bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich. Found in diners, restaurants, and fast food joints around the country, the bacon, egg, and cheese became a staple of breakfast spots everywhere. 

Always Evolving

The thing about foods coming to America usually means that while the spirit of its origin remains intact, there will always be someone that comes along and adds to it. Changing the components, proteins, the cheese used, and even the type of bread gave the once humble BAP a brand new identity. 

Different cities and restaurants will add additional ingredients to the sandwich to either dress it up or down based on the clientele. However, the soul of the sandwich remains the same on every breakfast menu. 

The Components of a Great Egg and Cheese Bagel

It’s devilishly simple but easy to mess up if you don’t pay close attention to details. At Mil-Lee’s Yardley Diner, we take our egg and cheese bagels seriously. We start with frying two eggs in the skillet to perfection. 

While the eggs are frying, we’ll toast the bagel to get the crunch and deep golden-brown look that our customers love. As for the meat component, we offer our customers a choice between thick-cut bacon, sausage, pork roll, or Canadian sausage based on their personal preference. 

We top it off with a slice of cheese of your choice and allow it to melt to ooey-gooey perfection with every bite. Our egg and cheese bagels have been a staple of our menu and are one of the reasons why our customers keep coming back for more!

Stop By Mil-Lee’s Yardley Diner for Your Next Egg and Cheese Sandwich Today!

Mil-Lee’s Yardley Diner has proudly served our customers a wide range of delicious breakfast and brunch specials over the years, but our egg and cheese sandwiches have been at the top of their list. Check out our menu and find your new favorite breakfast spot in Yardley, PA, today!